Occasionaly or occasionally

Occasionaly or occasionally? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled occasionally, not occasionaly (nor occassionally). Regards, spellhow.com.

Neice or niece

Neice or niece? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled niece, not neice. Regards, spellhow.com.

Medeval or medieval

Medeval or medieval? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled medieval, not medeval (nor medevil, mideval). Regards, spellhow.com.

Liaison or liason

Liaison or liason? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled liaison, not liason. Regards, spellhow.com.

Immitate or imitate

Immitate or imitate? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled imitate, not immitate. Regards, spellhow.com.

Gratefull or grateful

Gratefull or grateful? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled grateful, not gratefull (nor greatful). Regards, spellhow.com.

Firey or fiery

Firey or fiery? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled fiery, not firey. Regards, spellhow.com.

Excede or exceed

Excede or exceed? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled exceed, not excede. Regards, spellhow.com.