Begining or beginning

Begining or beginning? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled beginning, not begining. Regards,

Accidently or accidentally

Accidently or accidentally? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled accidentally, not accidently (nor accidentaly). Regards,

Wellfare or welfare

Wellfare or welfare? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled welfare, not wellfare (nor welfair). Regards,

Untill or until

Untill or until? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled until, not untill. Regards,

Sieze or seize

Sieze or seize? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled seize, not sieze. Regards,

Recieve or receive

Recieve or receive? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled receive, not recieve. Regards,

Pasttime or pastime

Pasttime or pastime? How do you spell it? The right answer is that it´s spelled pastime, not pasttime (nor passtime). Regards,